Live Streaming
Live Video Production, available in Western Massachusetts
StoryCraft Productions offers live streaming on Facebook Live, YouTube, Twitch, and more! With the ability to record two cameras as well as multiple microphones, StoryCraft Productions is ready to make your event available to any audience! Contact us for more information -
This is a perfect solution for your corporate meetings, special events, concerts and more. StoryCraft Productions has the ability to stream up to 4k, as long as there is a stable internet connection at your location.
Planning in Live Streaming allows you to find new ways to CONNECT with your audience
Live Streaming with XSplit Broadcaster

Stream Live - From anywhere, to anywhere
Storycraft Productions now offers live video recording for corporate events, conferences, and parties. Using video streaming software, you can take your events to the next level by including live video as well as interactive tools, such as live video comments and messaging, to engage with your audience.
If you want to connect to your event's audience through Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and more - StoryCraft Productions is ready to help you interact with your audience.
A Package for Everyone
Packages starting at $500 for single camera events, up to multi-camera, fully animated intros and segments options are available. Let's chat about the possibilities!

Get in touch
Let's see how we can tell your businesses story and connect with your audience today.